Why did you get into real estate?: For me real estate is a beautiful balance between a career that is both social and formal. I love the opportunity to get to know clients and learn to understand what makes them happy, plus real estate allows me to work on my communication skills with a wide variety of people. In addition to that I get to put my logical, organized, and mathematical brain to work by crunching numbers, analyzing the market, and so forth. Balance in life is key, and working as an agent lets me experience wonderful diversity.
Where’s the next place on your travel bucket list and why?: I would love to honor my late father's legacy by traveling to eastern Europe and Poland specifically. Taking a deep dive into my family's heritage would be one of the most gratifying things I can imagine.
What are your hobbies, and how did you get into them?: Well, my former career (and now hobby) is DJing. For nearly two decades I was fortunate to earn a livelihood working with the Denver Broncos, Denver Nuggets, the Summer Olympic games, various local radio stations, and much for as a DJ, which will always be one of my great passions.
What's your favorite Denver neighborhood?: Having lived in Central Park for a good part of my adulthood, I can really say that area is truly an amazing middle ground between the access and excitement of downtown and the open space of the suburbs.
What was the last thing you read?: "Fight of the Century" by Michael Chabon
What is your favorite Colorado town and why?: Having grown up in Boulder I'll always have a nostalgic soft spot in my heart for that part of the state, but at my heart I will always be a Denver kid. I have too many professional memories to count, and I feel like I can point to every city block and think back to an unforgettable past experience.
What is your favorite holiday?: Between the candy and getting to dress up, it's tough not to love Halloween.
What is your favorite outdoor activity?: Honestly, I don't do as much hiking and camping as some of my fellow Coloradans, but even a leisurely stroll down 16th Street Mall or a football game at Mile High satisfies my Vitamin D cravings.
What's your favorite thing about real estate?: Every transaction in real estate has its own personality. Just when you think you've seen everything you learn something new. The adrenaline of finding solutions and being proactive is a rush you don't experience in many other careers.
What is your perfect day off?: Adventuring with my family is my favorite pastime. As long as I'm with the people I love seeking out new adventures I'm completely happy.
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